20. januar 2014


Paper is a beautiful word and it is also a beautiful thing...
Papir je zelo lepa beseda, je pa tudi zelo lepa stvar in pravkar sem odkrila spletni biserček - www.fi2.si  Če vas papir zanima (za tak in drugačen tisk, razlike itd...) ga poglejte.

3. april 2013

I love this guy! Ok, I love his brain :)

Where did all the fun go?
Crisis lied onto this country like a fog (*horror movies music in the background)... but there is no life without fun, well no real life anyway
please do yourself a favour - check this blog James Altoucher, his ideas are great and funny and highly applicable (all the others- politically correct and boring - you can see on tv)

+A post for people losing their job: KLIK  :)
Do you have any other great ideas for people who have just been fired?
Kam je šlo vso veselje?
Kriza je legla na deželo kot megla (* v ozadnju  glasba iz grozljivk) ... ampak ker ni življenja brez veselja, no vsaj zaresnega življenja ne
si prosim naredite uslugo in preberite kakšen post na blogu Jamesa Altoucherja, njegove ideje so genialne, smešne in zelo uporabne, vse ostale politično korektne, trezne in dolgočasne lahko vidite na televiziji

+ poseben post za ljudi, ki so izgubili službo KLIK :)
Imate vi kašno dobro idejo za ljudi, ki so izgubili službo?

29. november 2012

oh, what a day! / Oh, kakšen dan!

Make peace with the universe.Take joy in it.
It will turn to gold. Resurrection will be now.
Every moment, a new beauty.

21. november 2012

At last! / Končno!

Finally I made it! Thanks to EPK for the support... our first prototypes made from porcelain ;)
exhibited in teahouse Čajek in Maribor
Končno mi je uspelo, hvala EPK za podporo... Škratovi prvi prototipi iz porcelana ;)
Razstava v čajnici Čajek na Slovenski ulici v Mariboru

9. september 2012

Pete pinnell nailed it / Žebljico na glavico s petom Pinnellom

Amazing contribution about the simple things- ceramics through the Pete Pinnell`s eyes.
Like one of the commentators wrote: 32 minutes of delightful insights into the seemingly simple cup
Izjemen prispevek o preprostih stvareh- keramika skozi oči  Peta Pinnella.
Ali kot je napisal en izmed komentatorjev: 32 minut čudovitega vpogleda v navidez preprosto stvar- skodelico

10. avgust 2012


But you can always hope for a miracle...
Vedno pa lahko upate tudi na čudež...

6. maj 2012

Boxes / Škatle, škatlice

I adore paper and cardboard boxes of all types. One of these days I will try them out...
oh, one of these days ;) but until then these links will wait on Skrat blog.
oh and Mel Stampz, blog to check out DIY
Obožujem papirnate in kartonske škatlice vseh sort. Nekega lepega dne jih bom naredila vse po vrsti, ja nekega lepega dne, do takrat pa bodo tile linki počakali na Škratovem blogu
oh, in blog Mel Stampz, vreden čekiranja za vse DIY

4. maj 2012

Sale! Good prices! Only 27 million! / Razprodaja! Ugodno! Samo 27 milijonov!

This dish from the period of Northern Song Dynasty (this sounds almost like Lord of the rings) was auctioned in April at Sotheby's in Hong Kong for U.S. $ 26.7 million. Price is a record when it comes to auction prices of ceramics from this era.
A flower-shaped bowl is a Ru ware(汝窑- literally five Ru) produced in the years 1107-1127 AD in the Henan province for the use of the imperial court. It is considered to be amongst the finest ceramics ever made. The glaze, once described as “the color of the sky after rain" is the finest attribute of Ru ware.

It is a beauty though! I wonder if anybody would dare eat of it...would you?
Tale skleda iz obdobja Severne Song dinastije (tole se malo sliši kot Gospodar prstanov) je bila prdana na Sotheyjevi avkciji v Hongkongu za 26,7 milijone dolarjev. Postavila je rekord v ceni za keramiko iz tega obdobja.
Gre za skledo v obliki cveta, ki spada med keramiko Ru (汝窑- dobesedno pet Ru) in je bila za dvorno uporabo izdelana med leti 1107 in 1127  v provinci Henan. Šteje med najboljšo keramiko na svetu. Glazura, ki so jo opisali kot  “barvo neba po dežju" je največja značilnost keramike Ru.

Vsekakor lepotica! Me zanima, če bo še kdaj kdo jedel iz nje... bi si drznil/a ti?

3. maj 2012

Beautiful fuzion / Čudovita fuzija

Misa Tanaka won 2nd prize on Takaoka Crafts 2009 Competition which is one of the most distinguished and followed craft events in Japan. 2nd prize- unbelievable! It would be the 1st one if this was up to me!
Technicaly it is a fusion of porcelain and glass.
Misa Tanaka je 2009 osvojila drugo nagrado na Takaoka Craft Competition, ki je najbolj priznano tekmovanje te vrste na Japonskem. Drugo nagrado- neverjetno! Če bi bilo po moje bi bila to definitivno prva nagrada!
Tehnično pa gre za fuzijo porcelana in stekla.

Quiet Sky by Misa Tanaka