Skrat`s slogan is "Gifts for happy beginnings and even happier endings!"- and I hope that slogan fits Petra`s story... I just checked her website, her blog and the patterns that she is making and I am so happy. Happy for all the optimism and taking risks and beating the fears. Petra thank you, you made my notsogreat Day.
Do not miss her travelogue to TCC market place!
Škratov slogan je "Darila za srečen začetek in še srečnejši konec"- in upam, da bo taka tudi Petrina zgodba... Ravno sem odkrila njeno stran, blog in vzorce, ki jih dela in sem res, res vesela. Za ves optimizem, tveganja, premagane strahove. Hvala Petra, polepšala si moj neprevečkrasen dan.
Ne zamudite njega potopisa na TCC market place!
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